You say the sentence or you write the sentence again and again until the tuning fork is still.
– Martin Amis
Tag: say
Quotable 449
George! You can type this shit, but you sure can’t say it! Move your mouth when you’re typing!
– Harrison Ford to George Lucas on the set of the original Star Wars film
Happy Star Wars Day!
Quotable 443
Go to where the silence is and say something.
– Amy Goodman
Quotable 433
The true influence of a great novel is to say to a subsequent novelist, Go thou and do otherwise.
– Julian Barnes
Quotable 412
I write to find what I have to say. I edit to figure out how to say it right.
– Cheryl Strayed
Quotable 366
The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.
– Anaïs Nin