Author’s Note: Catsignal Turns 10

Catsignal is not the happy, boisterous 10-year-old I had once envisioned it would be. The earlier days of weekly stories are long gone. The occasional haiku and even more occasional essay are about all that happen around here anymore. If ever I find the cognitive power to change that, I will. At present, chronic fatigue syndrome keeps me sleepy and brain-fogged.

On this anniversary, it seems more reasonable to look back rather than ahead. So, for those who might like to revisit the old days – or if you’re new here and wonder where to begin – here is a short list of some of my favorite stories, in chronological order.

Papal Bull

In Sure and Certain Hope

The Master of Rusbridge Manor

Folding Money

Fallen Gods


Red Riding Hood and the Wolves

Time in a Bottle

One Low Payment


Birth Order

The Devil You Know

The Last Reunion of the Capper Gang


Angels We Have Heard While High

Personal Ad

Hansel and His Visit to the Enchanted Part of the Forest

Precarious Balance

Author’s Note: Some Anniversary Changes

As you can see, I’ve jumped the gun for Catsignal’s fifth anniversary (March 23) and have already given it a spiffy new suit of clothing. I hope you like it; I like that it doesn’t look like every other site on the WWW.

Even if I never did another thing, there’s a lot to read here. Over these five years, I have built quite a collection of haiku, short stories, articles, and flash fiction. I not-so-humbly think this makes me a small publisher of some note. That is why I have added the patronage link (or “tip jar,” as it is commonly called) in the sidebar. If you enjoy what you read here, your show of financial support would be most appreciated, and it will help keep all the stuff you like to read coming. (Yeah, I’ve seen a PBS pledge drive or two in my day.)

Another way to show your interest in this site is to comment. I’d love to know what you think about the poems and stories I write.

As always, thank you for reading Catsignal.

Catsignal Turns 2

Catsignal is two years old today. Like any toddler, it has its ups and downs, its little successes and its little failures. But I’m pleased to still be doing this after two years and to still be enjoying myself.

I hope you’ll help me celebrate by telling someone — a friend, a family member, a word-loving acquaintance — about Catsignal. Now that I have stuff here to read, I’d like to know that more people are reading it. Comments on what works and what doesn’t work in a particular haiku or story are always welcome.

And now, we join our regularly scheduled haiku, already in progress.